One way or another we've all been touched by recent times, and although the lockdown is all but over in many ways. Outdoor gigs for example a few days ago have been given the go ahead at the time i write this blog. However for entertainers, DJs, Singers, Bands and all similar acts it's still not looking good for future work and bookings as the guidelines aren't always easy to navigate.
There has been a positive believe it or not, this has allowed me to start many projects that I simply wouldn't of had time to engage in before. So this really has been an industrious time for me in particular.
One project for me in particular that I have indulged coincides with the release of an all new build of the software I use Rekordbox 6. This was not a simple process (well not for me at least) as 'I have too much music' (Depending on who you ask of course). This has given me a great excuse to go through my near 90,000 song library most of which are uncompressed WAV files and update all the metadata and artwork to make searching for tracks even easier. It's taken me 3 months to complete this process and as a consequence I've been able to rediscover the music I have, fix any issues and unify my entire library. Which has been quite a cathartic process for me. Hopefully this will improve my DJing knowledge for any future gigs.
I still have many projects ahead of me but hopefully this could be the beginning of big things for the future I have plenty more to do. I will share them with you as and when I finish.
for the mean time stay safe and hopefully I can DJ for you soon.